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  1. Svante Mac Os Catalina
  2. Svante Mac Os Download
  3. Svante Mac Os X

This article should be checked for accuracy and conformity to style.

A mapping of names to Legacy OOo accounts.

Svante Mac Os Catalina


  • PL : Project Lead
  • CL : Project Co-Lead
  • CC : Community Council Member
  • ESC : Engineering Steering Committee Member
  • CVS : has write access to the OOo CVS repository


Please keep this list sorted in alphabetical order by last name when editing.

Name CVS (legacy) IRC Communication Notes Affiliation
Claus Agerskov csAgerskov, cagerskovPL Project Management Tool (oopm)AgerCon
Volker Ahrendt × vaOracle
Kai Ahrens × ka Kai_Ahrens PL Graphic ApplicationsOracle
Rail Aliev × rail rail Ru and Tr NL Co-lead Infra-Resource
Gene Anaya ganaya
Joost Andrae × jaja_CL qa, release testing en-US builds and releasing/uploading builds and releasesOracle
Éric Bachard × ericbericb2 PL Education, Mac OSX/Linux PPC port and vcl/impress hacker Education project, unaffiliated
Kai Backman kaib KaiB
Sascha Ballach × sab
Jayant Balraj Madavi jayant_madaviaZEN_JMConnectivity / DatabaseNovell, Inc.
Jörg Barfurth × jbJoergBConfiguration UtilOracle
Omer Bar-or × cremlaecremlaeMac portingGoogle Summer of Code
Mathias Bauer × mbaPL Writer, CL Framework, XMLOracle
Thomas Benisch × tbeScripting frameworkOracle
Stephan Bergmann × sbCL UDKOracle
Andreas Bille × abi
Éric Bischoff × ebischoffebischoffKDE A/B driverBureau Cornavin
Nick Blievers × nickIRIX
Daniel Boelzle × dboUNO core/bridges/packagesOracle
Oliver Bolte × oboREOracle
Rafaella Braconi coniRafaella PL l10n, Globalization Program ManagerOracle
Michael Brauer × mibPL XMLOracle
Oliver Braun × obrobrSystem Integration/Accessibility HackerOracle
Andreas Bregas × abStarBasicOracle
Henning Brinkmann × hbrinkm hbrinkm WW8 Filter, DOCX Filter Oracle
Jörg Brunsmann jbrunsmannUDK
Jörg Budischewski jbuPyUNO hacker
Hans-Peter Burow × pbplumbummUIOracle
Aidan Butler aidanXML filters
Scott Carr × kcarrkcarrDocumentationProgbits
Giuseppe Castagno × beppec56 beppec56_ or beppe_c PDF output
Colin Charles drbytebyteeMalaysian native-lang
Jian Hong Cheng × chengjh Writer IBM Corp.
Xiuzhi Cheng × xzcheng xiuzhi ESC,Xml,ODF OOo community
Alexandro Colorado × jza jza CL ES
Ariel Constenla-Haile × arielch arielch framework - Internship Facultad de Informática - UNLP
Berend Cornelius × bcWizardsOracle
Clayton Cornell × ccornell ccornell Documentation Project co-lead Oracle
Michael Cziebalski mci
Yuri Dario ydario Paperino OS/2 Port Serenity Systems intl
Andrew Dent × ace_dentace_dentui/custom_images
Naren DevaiahndevPerformanceIntel Corporation
Nitin Dongrenitin_BITSNovell, Inc.(intern)
Willem van Dorp willem.vandorp
Radek Doulík radekdoulikrodo_Canvas hackerNovell, Inc.
Carsten Driesner × cd cd_oo PL FrameworkOracle
Herbert Dürr × hduhdu_hhGSLOracle
Bernd Eilers × beirfc821EISOracle
René Engelhard × rene_rene_config_office, Debian packagerDebian
Per Eriksson pereriksson CL, MarCon Sweden
Jean-Baptiste Faure×jbfaurejbfaure PL FR native-lang project
Claudio Ferreira Filho filhocffilhocfBrazilian portuguese
Hubert Figuière × hub hub PPTX Novell, Inc.
Pierre de Filippis × pdefilippisaliscafoMac OSX native porting
Andre Fischer × afImpressOracle
Uwe Fischer × ufi ufiooo Application Help, Documentation Oracle
Ken Foskey waratahwaratahconfig_office/dmake
Duncan Foster dfoster
David Fraser davidfraserdavidfraserSouth African translations, multilingual
Nils Fuhrmann nfSunNFOracle
Martin Gallwey × mtgmarty_XML/Writer/packaging
Pierre-André Galmes pagalmes pagalmes Chart2 StarXpert
Tony Galmiche × tonygalmicheFR native-lang project
Sunil GandhityroNOSIP
Zemin Gao gaozemin gaozm Calc Beijing Redflag CH2000
Sophie Gautier × sgauti sophi .
Vladimir Glazounov × vgREOracle
Laurent Godard × laurentgodard lgodard CC, PL Extensions, Fr Native-lang Project inDesko/Nuxeo
Jody Goldberg × jodygoldbergjodyCalc spreadsheet-ness
Dirk Grobler × dgOracle
Steffen Grund × sg NetBeans Integration Oracle
Bettina Haberer bhRFEOwnerOracle
Ingrid Halama × ihaChartOracle
Chris Halls × haggaihaggaiDebian packager&misc. hackerCredativ Ltd., Debian
Bo Han × hanbo hanbo VBA Interop Beijing Redflag CH2000
Gregor Hartmann × gh Lachs Testtool, gsicheck, buildbotOracle
Bustamam Harun bustamamMalaysian stuff
Kevin Hendricks × khendricksPL Lingucomponent, PowerPC
Con Hennessy cphennessycph2 or cph_hacker & former council personOpenApp
Ivo Hinkelmann × ihiivol10n tooling/general/REOracle
Kazunari Hirano khiranoJapanese
Eric Hoch × mavericmav_ericMac Porting
Lutz Hoeger × lh lutzhOracle
Jan Holešovský × kendykendyKDE integrationNovell, Inc.
Martin Hollmichel × mhRatte/NesshofPL External, Tools, Porting, CCOracle
Karl Hong × khongi18n, CJK expert
Michael Hönnig × miPL API
Ilko Höpping × ihOracle
Hristo Simeonov Hristov icobgr icobgr PL Bulgarian native-lang project
Emil Huseynov emil_huseynovAzerbaijani Localization
Matthias Hütsch × mhuPerformance/strategy, PL UCB, CC, ESCOracle
Sven Jacobi × sjEscherwizardOracle
Jörg Jahnke jjtoolingOracle
Pavel Janík × pjanikpaveljanikPL Czech native-lang project, CL l10n, CC, ESC, l10n builds
Sunil Amitkumar Janki sjanki sjanki GNU Linux mipsel porter
Christian Jansen cj Menu and Toolbar?Oracle
Ocke Janssen × ojBaseOracle
Berry Jia × berryjia
Mingfei Jia × jiamingfei Lotus Smart Suite filter,MS Word encryption IBM Corp.
Chuang Jiang jiangc Beijing Redflag CH2000
Pascal Junck pjunck
Peter Junge × pj peter13j OOo community contact
Christian Junker CybchristianjuAPITrees For Life
Masahisa Kamataki KamatakiJapanese documentation translation project
Etsushi Kato × ekato Mac OS X Port Independent
Mihaela Kedikova × mishetogrid controlOracle
Dhananjay Keskar × dkeskar dkeskarPerformance,Buildbot,cat-herderIntel Corporation
Volodymyr Khrystynych volodyXML Filter
Robert Kinsella rkinsellaOracle
Matthias Klose dokodokoUbuntu, gcc, python packagerCanonical, Inc.
Bartosz Kosiorek gang65 Bug Tracker
Laszlo Kovacs lkovacsDocumentation
Tobias Krause × tkrucbOracle
Martin Kretzschmar × mkretzschmarmartinkGnome / DebianStudent
William Rikard Lachance wlachwlach_Word Perfect File FiltersNet Integration Technologies, Inc.
Marcus Lange × mlamladownload pages, uploading/releasing Developer Snapshots, Beta versions, RCs and releasesOracle
Thomas Lange × tltl13Oracle
Lars Langhans × llaOracle
Hans-Joachim Lankenau × hjsausedmake makefile expert, REOracle
Pavel Laštovička × xlastoviCzech NLP, l10n builds
Jakob Lechner × jakob_lechnerWriterFabalabs
Armin Le Grand × awOracle
Michael Leibowitz × mikeleib mikeleibperformanceIntel Corporation
Heng Li × liheng liheng PerformanceBeijing Redflag CH2000
Hui Li lihuiibm Hui_Li VBA InteropIBM Corp.
Jian Li lijian lijian Writer CS2C
Wind Li × windlyAddress books
Xing Li × lixxing Accessibility IBM Corp.
Kuang Liang × Kuang Liang kuangliang PerformanceBeijing Redflag CH2000
Weike Liang × liangweike liangweike Graphics
Ping Liao pliao
Fong Lin × pflin Fong VBA Interop, Scripting, CJK Enhancement Novell, Inc.
Joachim Lingner × jlJava, CLIOracle
Christian Lippka × cl cl Graphic ApplicationsOracle
Chen Liu liuchenn liuchen VBA InteropIBM Corp.
Jianli Liu liujl liujianli GraphicsBeijing Redflag CH2000
Mindy Liu mindyliu
Tao Liu × liutao liutao PL modularization ,PyUNO, Async dialogs,
YiSong Liu Liu YiSong Liu YiSong PYUNO Beijing Redflag CH2000
Yu Liu × ch2000liuy LiuYU Swriter Beijing Redflag CH2000
Yuhua Liu liuyuhua yuhuaBeijing Redflag CH2000
Frank Loehmann × fl franklPL User ExperienceOracle
Philipp Lohmann × plPhilippLVCL/X11 (GSL) hackerOracle
Michel Loiseleur mloiseleur coren` Bugfixes Linagora
Dieter Löschky × dl PL: ODF ToolkitOracle
Jackson Low × xxjack12xxPorting
Patrick Luby plubyMac
Jingrong Luo Luo Jingrong Luo JingrongBeijing Redflag CH2000
Yue Lv lvyue lvyue Calc Beijing Redflag CH2000
Jun Mamajun51 writer Beijing Redflag CH2000
Katarína Machálková × bubli bubli OOXML Export Novell, Inc.
Prasad Madhav × pmadhav pmadhav Buildbot Intern@Intel
Babak Mahbod bmahbod
Martin Maher mmaherWriter & Filter chap
Yonggang Mao × maoyonggang maoyg Calc CS2C
John Marmion × jmarmion
Andreas Martens × amaPL WriterOracle
Shane M Mathews × smmathews smmathews Impress:_OpenGL_rendered_transitionsstudent
Frank Mau × fmatoolingOracle
Shaun McDonald × smsm1 shaunmcdonald Mac Port, buildbot MacPort1 Graduate
Frank Meies × fmeWriterOracle
Federico Mena-Quintero federicomenafedericoperfectionistNovell, Inc.
Ismael Merzaq × isma87ismael_Mac OSX native portingStudent
Michael Mi mmi
Björn Michaelsen × b_michaelsen b_michaelsen Writer, Bookmarks, Performance, User Feedback Program, New Build SystemOracle
Björn Milcke × bmbm_ChartOracle
Petr Mládek pmladekpmladekSUSE RPMs, ooo-build releasesNovell, Inc.
Marcin Mosiolek joekidd Draw, pdfimport
Cyrille Moureaux × cyrillemCyrille
Matthias Müller-Prove × mmp mproveUser Experience Oracle
Takashi Nakamoto bluedwarf Japanese Student
Maho Nakata × maho_maho_PL QA, PL JA, FreeBSD guyIndependent
Jan Navrátil × jnavrati jnavrati Red Hat, Inc.
Niklas Nebel × nnniklasnPL CalcOracle
László Németh × nemethPL lingucomponent
Christoph Neumann × cnUnoApiTestOracle
Frank Neumann × fneMacPort
NicelKM × mnicelnicelNovell, Inc.
Jan Nieuwenhuizen × jcnjannekeLayout code, hacker Novell, Inc.
Christoph Noack × christophnoack christoph_nCL User Experience
Bertram Nolte bnolte
Rodrigo Parra Novo × rodarvusrodarvusGnumeric/Abiword OpenDocument Format support and port to MaemoINdT (Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia)
Tomas O'Connor toconnorScripting Framework
Maximilian Odendahl × modmod Student / SEPT-Solutions
Takashi Ono × tono MinGW port Independent
Lars Oppermann × lo
Rakesh Pandit × rakeshpandit chacha_chaudhry Education Project - Starmath/fix module warnings Education Project
Pierre Pasteau × pastea_p pierrep Education Project, SeaMonkey migration Education Project
Edward Peterlin × OPENSTEPMac
Frank Peters × fpeCL DocumentationOracle
Christof Pintaske × cpOracle
Ron Piterman rpiterman
Sébastien Plisson × plipliplipliDeveloper on Aqua portOO Aqua Port
Noel Power npowernoelpVBA Interop, ScriptingNovell, Inc.
Nikolai Pretzell × np Autodoc, code qualityOracle
Jonathan Pryor jpryor jonp Novell, Inc.
Canghua Qu quch Canghua AutoTest, Graphics Beijing Redflag CH2000
Volker Quetschke × vqvqW32-tcsh/bash build environment and dmake Hacker, ESCGravity Waves
Tino Rachui × tratinorGSL/Unix HackerOracle
Goran Rakić × goranrakic Serbian Native-Lang PL
Kay Ramme × krPL UDKOracle
Michael Rauch × mrauchNetBSD
Jens-Heiner Rechtien × hrblauwalRE; OOo SCM (CVS, CWS tooling); Porting; CompilersOracle
Daniel Rentz × dr drr Calc Excel filter, UIOracle
Florian Reuter × flrWriter filtersNovell, Inc.
Georg Richter × grichtergeorgBase, native MySQL driverMySQL AB
Hennes Rohling × hroGSL & UtilOracle
Bibek Sahu BibekbibekImpress piecesTrees For Life
Stephan Schäfer × ssassaVCLOracle
Andreas Schlüns × asFrameworkOracle
Jürgen Schmidt × jscjscPL API, PL Extensions, UNO, SDKOracle
Matthias Schmidt schmidtm schmidtm Mac OSX Aqua Port Oracle
Ingo Schmidt-Rosbiegal × is(Native) InstallationOracle
Frank Schönheit × fsFrankSDatabase Access, FormsOracle
Svante Schubert × susSvanteXML & ODFTOOLKIT co-lead, ODFDOM project chair, Member of OASIS ODF TC, OASIS OIC TC, OASIS ODF SC MetadataOracle
Stella Schulze × stsVisual DesignOracle
Julian Seward sewardj valgrind
Darragh Sherwin dsherwindarraghE-Legislation / E-GovSystemsPropylon
Wei Guo Shi × shiwg Accessibility and Smart Suite filter IBM Corp.
Raul Siddhartha rsiddhartharaulGTK File SelectorNovell, Inc.
Sarah Smith ssmith
Mox Soini × mox Moxed Mac Porting
Rajesh Sola rajeshsolasolamisc.NOSIP
Kai Sommerfeld × ksomanger and hackerOracle
Caio Tiago Oliveira de Sousa × asrailasrailCL QA, release testing pt-BR
Oliver Specht × osPL UIOracle
Jörg Spindler jspindler
Michael Stahl × mstWriter, RDF, MetadataOracle
Joseph James John Stanford Rescue/k0fcc Rinchen CL Esperanto native-lang projectCanonical
Fridrich Štrba × fridrich_strbaFridrichWordPerfect HackerNovell, Inc.
Keith Stribley × kstribleyGraphite fonts, Myanmar l10n
Louis Suárez-Potts louislouisCommunity
Muthu Subramanian × muthusubamuthusubamisc.
Quanfa Tang tqfa tangquanfa Calc Beijing Redflag CH2000
David Tardon × dtardon dtardon Red Hat Inc.
Stefan Taxhet × ststx12CC, interpersonal problem fixerOracle
Armin Theissen armin
Jan Tietjens tietjens
Rüdiger Timm × rt rtimm REOracle
Malte Timmermann × mt Malte Accessibility, Security, PerformanceOracle
Gerhard Tonn tonns390
Tom Verbeek × tv
Sander Vesik svesik
Daniel Vogelheim × dvoXML
Mikhail Voitenko × mavmavFrameworkOracle
Robert Vojta × rvojtarvojtaMac OS X related issue
Dirk Völzke × dvInstallationOracle
Xu Ming Wang × flyccloud or Wangxum Calc IBM Corp.
Jim Watson × sparcmoz sparcmozGNU Linux sparc
Zhao Wei weiz weiz Chart2 Beijing Redflag CH2000
Gerd Weiss × gmREOracle
Dan Williams × fadcbwMac et. al. hackerRed Hat Inc.
Simon Wilper × simonawsimonawl10ntools ByteString replacer
Oliver-Rainer Wittmann × odWriterOracle
Yan Wu × wuy Framework CS2C
Stephan Wunderlich × sw
Antonio Xu × antoxu antoxu Async dialogs, PRC improvements Intel Corporation
Dehua Xu xudehua xudh
Steve Yin × steve_yin steve_yin Microsoft Office file format, PDF, Accessibility, ODF IBM Corp.
Kohei Yoshida × koheikohei_Calc hacker, Calc optimization solver developerNovell, Inc.
Guoqiang Yu × yugq yugq Performance Beijing Redflag CH2000
Xiaoyang (Max) YuDisk block reorderingIntel Corporation
George Zahopoulos × georgez
Liang-Jun Zeng × Zengliangjun liangjun PerformanceBeijing Redflag CH2000
Kurt Zenker × kzsmoketesterREOracle
Xiaofei Zhang × Zhangxiaofei zhangxiaofei/FelixZ FrameworkCS2C
Jianwei Zhao zhaojianwei zhaojianwei Swriter Beijing Redflag CH2000
Jeremy Zheng × zhiming Jeremy Async dialogs, PRC improvements Intel Corporation
Robert Zhou × robertzhou shizhouboFramework CS2C


Svante Mac Os Download

QA Engineers

Name IRC Communication Interested modules Notes Affiliation
Stefan BaltzersbawriterOracle
Thorsten Bosbach×tboframework, testautomationframework test automationOracle
Oliver Crämer×ocCalc, testautomationcalc test automationOracle
Helge Delfs×hdetestautomation, writerTest automationOracle
Olaf Felka ofof_sunframework, installationOracle
Wolfram Garten× wgdraw, impressdraw, impress test automationOracle
Christian Guenthercgudraw, impressOracle
Fredrik Hägg×fha
Hasan Ilterhiwriter, printing, pdf exportOracle
Thomas KlarhoeferklachartOracle
Uwe LuebbersulframeworkOracle
Christoph LukasiakcludatabaseOracle
Thorsten MartenstmframeworkOracle
Marc Neumann×mscdatabase, testautomationDatabase access test automationOracle
Michael Rüßmruwriter, word im/exportOracle
Éric Savaryeswriter, accessibilityOracle
Jörg Sievers×jsijogiportingMac- and Solaris SPARC port testing
Joerg Skottke×jskskottiframework, qa/qatesttoolFramework test automationOracle
Frank StecherfstCalcOracle
Ulf Stroehler usOracle
Jack Warchold jwwriter, import/export filters
Thorsten Ziehm thorstenziehmQA leadOracle

We are tracking pending JCAs in the document Pending JCAs.

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Svante Mac Os X





Go gopwsafeTim Khulman A password safe written in go using and implementing the password safe version 3 database.
Go PWSafeLuca Sepe Cross Platform simple and secure password management from commandline.
Windows 10, Windows 10 MobilePassword Safe Beta
(Project source code)
Alberto RivelliUWP port of the popular Windows application.
(Project source code)
(PasswordSafe compatible C# library source code)
Josip Medved (Medo)A password manager compatible with PasswordSafe.
Windows PhonePasswordSafe Reader
Project source code
Andreas GrimmA small Windows Phone 8.1 app which allows you to read Password Safe (.psafe3) files. Based on the Axantum c# implementation.
Blackberrypwsafe for BlackberryJim FoleyFree playbook version. This is a straight port of Jeff Harris' android app, ported and published with his permission.
Python library McIntyreThis is a pure-Python library that can read and write Password Safe v3 files. Released under the GPLv2.
PythonPasaffe password managerMarc DeslauriersPasaffe is an easy to use Password Safe 3.0 compatible password manager for GNOME.
PythonLoxodoCristoph SommerA Password Safe V3 compatible Password Vault
iOS platform (iPhone, iPad)StrongBox Password Safe
Official website:
Mark McGuillSupports local safes, Dropbox and Google Drive.
MacStrongBox Password Safe
Official website:
Mark McGuillSupports local safes, Dropbox and Google Drive.
iOS platform (iPhone, iPad, iPod)App Store
Official website:
App77pwSafe is an open source Password Safe port for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Ithas DropBox and iCloud sync support.
MacMac App Store Link
Official website:
App77This versions syncs with the iOS version of pwSafe via iCloud.
iOSplatform (iPhone, iPad, iPod)DropSafe (no longer available)Smith SurasmithUsed in conjunction with Dropbox
Android App
SourceForge project home page
Jeff HarrisThis Android port of PasswordSafe has received good reviews.
PHPclipperz2passwordsafeHans Fr. NordhaugThis is a small php script that converts a JSONfile exported from Clipperz to a XML file that can be imported by Password Safe.
JavaJava PasswordSaferoxonOpen Source PasswordSafe clone written in Java
Windows MobilePasswordSafeWMSvante Seleborg, alphons and katakana2A PasswordSafe reader
Objective CamlopwsMichael BacarellaA PasswordSafe v3 command-line utility, written in Objective Caml.
PerlcliPSafeRoss Palmer MohnA Command Line Interface to PasswordSafe that supports version 3 databases.
Mashed Lifepwsafe-with-mashedlifeMashed LifeA version of PasswordSafe that integrates with their service.
Unixpwsafe password database
A unix command line program that manages encrypted password databases.
A Linux version that uses Qt for the graphical user interface.
Tcl/TKPassword Gorilla
Password Gorilla is a Tcl/Tk application which can run on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
Perl ModuleCrypt::Pwsafe3Thomas LindenA fullycompatible to the Password Safe database format (read and write),
Perl ModuleCrypt::PwsafeShufeng TanA perl module that provides read-only access to Password Safe V3 data files.
Winehere's a link on running Password Safe on Linux under the Wine emulator.
Not strictly a project.
C#AxantumPasswordSafeSvante SeleborgA C# reader for Password Safe version 3 databases
Web serverPleasant Password ServerPleasant SolutionsA commercial product presenting a PasswordSafe front-end to a central server.