In 1984 Apple Computer unveiled their Macintosh. It included a new user interface that revolutionized the way people though about computer interaction. Originally referred to as simply 'Macintosh System', the underlying OS was a single-tasking disk system for the Motorola 68K CPU. Significant changes were made in MacOS 7.x.

  1. Norway 1985 Mac Os X

Emulation note: For MacOS 0.x-6.x we recommend the vMac Mini emulator.

Norway 1985 Mac OS

It is possible to write Macintosh 400k/800k images to a real disk using a Kryoflux.

  1. Ami, DOS, Mac Strategy video game of the American Civil War: North Atlantic '86: 1983: AppII Norway 1985: 1985: AppII, C64 A strategy game of hypothetical WW III land combat in Norway Operation Apocalypse: 1981: AppII Operation Market Garden: 1985: AppII, ATR, C64, DOS Overrun! 1989: Ami, C64 Pacific General: 1997: Win.
  2. Norway 1985 and Baltic 1985: Corridor to Berlin See more » Commodore 64 The Commodore 64, also known as the C64 or the CBM 64, is an 8-bit home computer introduced in January 1982 by Commodore International (first shown at the Consumer Electronics Show, in Las Vegas, January 7–10, 1982).

The original model evolved into the Mac Plus in 1986 and spawned the Mac SE and the Mac II in 1987 and the Mac Classic and Mac LC in 1990. Meanwhile, Apple attempted its first portable Macs: the failed Macintosh Portable in 1989 and then the more popular PowerBook in 1991, a landmark product that established the modern form and ergonomic layout.

Note: Wikipedia's/Apple's Developer CD Classic Mac OS 'System Software' numbering scheme is GARBAGE and should NOT be used.

Norway 1985 Mac OS



Release notes

System 1.0 (0.97), Finder 1.0 was the first official, stable release. It was released in 1984 with the original Macintosh and ran with 128k RAM, 400k 3.5' floppy drive, monochrome video, and a mouse. It used a flat file system (MFS) that only emulated folders. Officially the System revision was 1.0, but the internal number reported '0.97'.

The Macintosh Guided Tour was also released with the original Macintosh, but contained an earlier System 0.85, Finder 1.0. Notably the finder still had icons of the Twiggy Macintosh!

Norway 1985 Mac Os X

System 1.1, Finder 1.1g improved font support, disk copying, and startup speed.