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Heritage Game Jam 2020 - Paper Crusher Mac Os 8
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30 July 2020 Update
Hello Heritage Game Jam Participants,
Due to the unexpected high volume of participants, we are moving the Opening and Networking Event to Zoom instead of Discord.
Discord can only hold a maximum of 50 participants, whereas Zoom can hold 300.
Zoom can be opened in a web browser if you do not wish to install it.
After the Opening/Networking event, all communication will still continue to take place in the SGGA Discord .
Therefore, please continue to use Discord for the rest of the Game Jam.
At 31st July 2020, 1900 hrs, please join Zoom here: https://bit.ly/2CSLlEk Password: 796865
Please let your other registered friends know about this!
Thank you once again for your patience and huge support!
Warmest regards,
The Sagakaya Team
27 Jul 2020 Update
We have included an FAQ section on our site!
Thanks for contributing to the feedback and questions! This FAQ will be updated whenever!
Warmest regards,
The Sagakaya Team
24 Jul 2020 Update
Hello Heritage Game Jam participants!
We have been receiving many questions in our inbox - so we hope this will help you prepare for next Friday!
1. Join the Discord channel here: SGGA Discord
2. All team members MUST register for the Game Jam!
3. There is an opening event on the first day of the Game Jam on the SGGA Discord channel (31 July, 1900hrs)
4. During the opening event, there will be:
- Announcement: Theme for the Game Jam
- Introduction to the Advisors of the Game Jam
- Networking event for teams
- Opening of public Google Sheet to key in your team name, members, roles and discord tags
Anyone who wants to form team with other participants, or are looking for people to join their team: Please stick around and we will connect you together on Discord!
5. If you are joining as a programmer, we advise that you are familiar with using a platform to build games (e.g. Unity)
6. You can join our itch.io page beforehand - only one member from each team needs to register in order to submit your game
We apologise if you have been waiting long for some of these answers. The 3 of us are currently working hard to give you guys the best experience possible, so please ask us more questions and provide as much feedback as you can!
Warmest regards,
The Sagakaya team
The web of tomorrow needs IPFS today
IPFS aims to surpass HTTP in order to build a better web for all of us.
Today's web is inefficient and expensive
HTTP downloads files from one computer at a time instead of getting pieces from multiple computers simultaneously. Peer-to-peer IPFS saves big on bandwidth — up to 60% for video — making it possible to efficiently distribute high volumes of data without duplication.
Today's web can't preserve humanity's history
Heritage Game Jam 2020 - Paper Crusher Mac Os X
The average lifespan of a web page is 100 days before it's gone forever. It's not good enough for the primary medium of our era to be this fragile. IPFS keeps every version of your files and makes it simple to set up resilient networks for mirroring data.
Today's web is centralized, limiting opportunity
The Internet has turbocharged innovation by being one of the great equalizers in human history — but increasing consolidation of control threatens that progress. IPFS stays true to the original vision of an open, flat web by delivering technology to make that vision a reality.
Heritage Game Jam 2020 - Paper Crusher Mac Os Catalina
Today's web is addicted to the backbone
IPFS powers the creation of diversely resilient networks that enable persistent availability — with or without Internet backbone connectivity. This means better connectivity for the developing world, during natural disasters, or just when you're on flaky coffee shop wi-fi.