The Game Jam’s theme is Fantasy. Game Submission Rules. All types of games are welcome: digital (Windows 10, Linux, Mac OS, and Android), physical. (board games, tabletop games, etc.). No explicit content. Your game must be accessible for all ages. Please contact us if you have any questions. Games must be free to play (Under “Pricing.

Global Game Jam (GGJ) was established in 2009 as an IGDA event with great success and media attention. Lives were changed, jobs found, ideas sold, collaborations and opportunities abound. 'A New Friend' is a casual, stress-free shopkeeper experience. Patrons will donate their damaged toys to you, and you will clean and repair them for new homes. Some people are meant to be together, and others.are not. It seems like the world is against them at every turn, desperate to separate them at any cost. Most ultimately accept their fate, but others fight back. Jimmy, a hopeless video game journalist, is determined to find the love of his life, Psycherella, a hand model and part time assassin.

Welcome to the first Game Jam hosted by Spokane Public Library. The end of summer is around the corner and what better way to end it, than with a Game Jam.

We invite everyone within the Spokane community to participate. All ages are welcome, as well as all skill levels. This is a great time to make your first video game or practice your skills as an experienced game developer.

If you do not live in the Spokane area you are still welcome to join.

Submissions will not be ranked. The idea is to have fun and to learn new skills. Your games will be played after the submission period is over by our librarians. If you don’t want us to play your game live on a streaming service, let us know during your game submission.

You will have 168 hours (7 days) to create a playable game. The Game Jam's theme will be displayed here and on our webpage at the start of the jam. The theme is more of a suggestion than a requirement.

Game Submission Rules:

  1. All types of games are welcome: digital (Windows 10, Linux, Mac OS, and Android), physical* (board games, tabletop games, etc.).
  2. No explicit content. Your game must be accessible for all ages. Please contact us if you have any questions.
  3. Games must be free to play (When submitting the game under “Pricing”, select “No payments”).
  4. Your team can be of any size.

*If you make a physical game please upload a .pdf with rules on how to set up and run your physical game.

Game Jam Theme:

Game Jam 24/10 Submission Mac Os Catalina


When you Submit your game:

You will be asked to give information about your game. To prepare for this, give yourself at least an hour before the deadline to make sure you can fill out the basic information will ask when submitting your game.

Make sure to have a cover image for your game at the ready; 315px X 250px is the minimum and 630px X 500px is the recommended.

Extra Information:

If this is your first game jam, click here for more information on free game engines, software, and the basics of game design.

We hope everyone is staying safe during these troubling times, and click here for more information on collaborating over the internet.


Free Games For Mac Os X

All content submitted remains the property of the participant. Any views presented do not necessarily represent the views or policies of, or endorsement by, the City of Spokane or the Spokane Public Library.